Το επόμενο MANOSMED, σεμινάριο μαστολογίας πραγματοποιήθηκε στο Μαρακές του Μαρόκου στις 28 έως 30 Νοεμβρίου και οι συμμετέχοντες είχαν την δυνατότητα μετά απο την παρακολούθηση τεσσάρων σεμιναρίων και επιτυχών εξετάσεων να αποκτήσουν δίπλωμα μαστολογία από το πανεπιστήμιο του Μονπελιέ.
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Ακολουθούν τα προσκλητήριες επιστολές του προέδρου του σεμιναρίου
Dr. Chraibi Chafik καθώς και του προέδρου του MANOSMED Καθ. Στέφανου Ζερβούδη.
Το επίσημο site του σεμιναρίου ήταν:
Dear Friend (s) colleagues,
I have the pleasure to inform you that the Moroccan Society of Breast Diseases (SMMS) is now part of the prestigious University of Mobile Mastology MANOSMED (Mastology Northen and Southen Mediterranean) which organizes every six months a three-days course in one of the Mediterranean countries for gynecologists, oncologists, surgeons, pathologists, radiologists and general practitioners.
Validation of four courses (each of 25 hours: 20h theory and 5h practice) with an examination at the end of each one leads to obtaining a university degree from the University of Montpellier.
The four modules are divided as follows:
-Module 1: focuses primarily on the basic sciences (anatomy, physiology, cancer genetics, surgical bases etc.)
-Module 2: focuses on benign breast diseases, risk factors, borderline tumors and carcinoma in situ, etc.
-Module 3 : focuses on early-stage cancer (surgery, chemotherapy, hormone therapy etc)
– Module 4 : focuses on locally advanced and metastatic cancers
In October 2011 we had the privilege of organizing this course in Marrakech, focusing on Module 3. In May 2012 it was planned to take place in Greece, but was canceled due to the political situation. In October 2012 it took place in Algiers and focused on Module 4 and in May 2013 it was held in Bucharest and focused on Module 1.
The next course will be held once again in Marrakech from 28 to 30 November 2013 and will focus on Module 2. This course will coincide with the IVth Congress of the Moroccan Society for Breast Diseases (SMMS) and will be held under the auspices of MANOSMED and the university of Montpellier and Faculty of Medicine of Rabat. We may expect HRH Princess Lalla Salma to patron the course and conference as well.
This major event will bring together around 400 doctors from all above-mentioned specialties, from 17 Mediterranean countries, as well as world renowned speakers.
Registration fees for the Course: 2000 MAD (180 euros)
Attendance fees for the Congress : 500 MAD (for 3 days, not including meals).
Course registration give eligibility to take the exam and validate a module. One of the four modules can be validated from the participant’s home country, using live telemedicine conferencing.
The price of housing is 500 MAD (4 *) in single and 650 MAD double room + breakfast
All interested candidates may get in touch with the Secretariat of the SMMS both for Course and Congress registration at the Maternity Hospital Les Orangers -Rabat or email: [email protected]
For more info : visit Manosmed: www.manosmed.org
Dr. Chraibi Chafik
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Chief of Department – Maternity Hospital Les Orangers
University Hospital Rabat
President Founder of the Moroccan Association for the Fight against unsafe abortion (AMLAC)
President Founder of the Moroccan Society of Breast Diseases (SMMS)
First Vice-Oresident of the Moroccan Royal Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Vermeil Distinction from the French Academy of Arts, Sciences and Letters, Paris
Email: [email protected] ; Tel: +212 661149494
Dear Colleagues, Friends, Residents and Students,
It is a great pleasure and honor to welcome you to Marrakesh – the fascinating city, “la perle du sud”, this year for the 14th Advanced Course in Mastology.
Morocco is well known for its excellent medical level and exceptional Medical Schools. The citizens of Morocco are also well known or their hospitality and warmth to visitors. I would like to thank all the Moroccan colleagues and friends and particularly Professor Chafik Chraibi, the Director of the Course in November 2013, who organized this important teaching course again. Professor Chraibi also organized a previous course in Marrakech in 2011 with great success.
I would also like to once again thank Professor J. L. Lamarque, founder of MANOSMED, who gave us the opportunity to continue his work and to create the “MANOSMED Mobile University”. More than 70 university professors, from 18 countries (Albania, Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Italy Lebanon, Libya, Monaco, Morocco, Portugal, Romania Spain, Switzerland, Syria and Tunisia) all participated on a voluntary basis and give lectures twice per year for a total of 4 modules . After the 4 modules, the residents and physicians obtain their qualification in Mastology (Senology) with an International Diploma of Mastology, MANOSMEDI, under the auspices of the University of Montpellier 1 in France.
MANOSMED promotes scientific exchanges between the different countries, coordinates the quality of diagnoses and treatment in a spirit of friendship and solidarity. The program of the Marrakech course (module 2) is entitled “Benign Breast Diseases and Borderline Lesions” and will cover a very important facet of breast problems which concerns gynecologists, radiologists, surgeons, endocrinologists, Gps, etc.
I trust the extraordinary atmosphere of the “Red Imperial City” will provide us with unforgettable memories. Welcome to Marrakech! Bienvenue au Maroc!
Prof. Dr. Stephane Zervoudis
President of MANOSMED
(MANOSMED website: www.manmosed.org)
Marrakech, Novembre 28-30, 2013
JEUDI 28/11/2013 |
8h – 13h | MATINEE Session I : ATELIER PRATIQUE – Anatomie chirurgicale –Pr A.Jalil – Tumorectomie avec remodelage et recentralisation de la PAM – Pr A.Jalil – Biopsies du sein Pr S. Zervoudis – Pose d’hameçon .N.geahchan – Pose d’une prothèse mammaire N.geahchan – Cas cliniques Pr O.Omar
** Un stand servira des boissons en salle à longueur de journée ** |
13h – 14h:30 | DEJEUNER – SYMPOSIUM |
14:30 – 17:30
18h |
APRES – MIDI Session II: – Stratégie diagnostique devant la découverte d’un nodule du sein :
– Conduite à tenir devant un écoulement mamelonnaire 30’
VENDREDI 29/11/2013
9h – 13h | MATINEE Session III: Lésions bénignes du sein I
Session IV: Lésions bénignes du sein II
Session V: Traitement à la carte du cancer du sein: comment procéder? 45′ – Pr S. Boutayeb
** Un stand servira des boissons en salle à longueur de journée ** |
14:30 – 17:30 | APRES-MIDI Session VI: Mastopathies à risque
Session VII: Carcinomes in situ
SAMEDI 30/11/2013 |
9h – 13h | MATINEE Session VIII: Pathologies inflammatoires et congénitales
Session IX: Influence des traitements hormonaux sur le sein
** Un stand servira des boissons en salle à longueur de journée ** |
13h – 14:30 | DEJEUNER – SYMPOSIUM |
14:30 – 16:30 | APRES-MIDI – Session X: Profil épidémiologique et stratégies de dépistage des cancers du sein 45’ – Pr J.P Daures – Session XI: Prophylaxie des cancers du sein
17h – 18:30 |